A Prayer for Squamish United Church
Creator God, with whom we journey
in this season of the life and faith
we live in hope, trust and mystery
longing to live into your wisdom
as the one who makes all things new.
Holy One, we give you thanks for the gift of each new day.
And for the mission and ministry of Squamish United Church.
Living in your grace and faithfulness we have embraced your presence in our lives.
as together we have ministered in downtown Squamish for almost a century
We hold deep gratitude for the many who have
built this church and community over the years.
We cherish the gifts given by those who have gone before us,
Live in appreciation of those who serve and minister with us now,
And are already thankful for the anticipated ministry that will follow us.
God in whom we live and move and have our being
Enliven, Strengthen and Entice us now to be a vibrant centre for mission and ministry,
embracing the lives of the people of Squamish as we connect our church and community.
Transforming Spirit be with us in this season
as we begin to live out our ministry in a new way
Assist us as we seek to be faithful stewards of all we have.
Give us wisdom and courage as we seek to live out our mission and ministry
through redeveloping our church property and connecting with Sea to Sky Community Services,
Always being thankful for the many blessings we have already been given.
Holy Spirit, deepen our trust,
as we partner with you,
in making all things new.
The Reverend Karen Millard
May 2011