Something about the weather, the flowers blooming, and new life experiences has been making me think of journeying in a new way this month. I found this prayer helpful this week and so I thought I would share it with you.
This Year’s Journeying
Lord - I consecrate myself to You in this year’s journeying:
Take my feet from the safety of the shallows out into the challenge of unexplored depths.
Take my heart from the sterility of selfish preoccupations to the fruitfulness of wounded love.
Take my mind from the narrowness of human thought to the expansiveness of divine insight.
Take my hands from the poverty of having and keeping to the riches of giving and sharing.
Take my voice from the blandness of safe religion to the proclamation of Your radical kindom.
Lord - I consecrate myself to You in this year’s journeying:
Take my life
from safety to risk
from coldness to love
from darkness to light
from selfishness to sharing
from silence to proclamation.
Take my life for You kindom!
From “Fire and Bread” pg. 232