The mission of Squamish United Church is "To be an inclusive community serving God's world." As a church together we seek to love God and neighbour with all our heart, soul and mind. We hope this blog enriches you on your journey of life.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Advent Day Three

Activity 1

Make an Advent prayer chain (A version of an advent calendar). Use construction paper cut into 14 strips. Write a prayer concern on each strip. Use tape or staple the first strip into a circle. Take the second strip and insert it into the first. Continue until you have a chain. Today you would begin with the first strip and then each day you would pray a prayer from the chain.

Activity 2

A Time of Centering prayer will be held for all to participate in at 7:30pm at Squamish United Church


Who is your life is an example of someone who lives in hope? How has that person effected you life?

I have taken some time to do a few things today. I have listened to Mardi Tindal (UCC Moderator) advent message. I invite you to do the same.

I appreciate her reminder for us to slow down and reflect during the season.
That is why I have given us the opportunity to join together tonight in centering prayer.

When I consider the question of an example of someone who lives in hope. My grandfather is the first who comes to mind. He was always forward looking. He always believed the best in people and he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that things would work out and no matter how bad it got we would make it together. When I get discouraged or when I wonder if I am doing the right things in life I always think of Grandpa. His example has strengthened me more times than I can remember. His faith, commitment and strength challenge me to live the best I can, being who God created me to be.
Who are people of hope for you?

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