Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen - Anthem
Take some time to meditate on the following question.
Where are the dark places for you? Dark places may be places of struggle, but they also may be places of transformation - Although we will talk about looking for the light or finding the light I want to remind us and acknowledge that darkness is not always evil it is often a place of growth. For me darkness has been both a friend offering comfort, and transformation as well an enemy bearing fearful uncertainty, masking unknown threats.
Now take a moment to meditate - placing the light of the Holy in those dark places.
Do you see the light breaking through the cracks in your life? If yes what difference does it make? If no what do you think will help bring light into those places?
Closing Prayer
God of darkness and light
meet us in the places where we try to be someone we are not
Open us up to see you in our imperfections, in our wrestlings, in the cracks in our character and lives.
Let the light break in. Amen.
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