Today I invite you to reflect on the image of God dwelling within you. On this snowy morning I found myself needing a cup of coffee as I prayed, reflected as gazed out the window. As I sipped the warm comfort I read the words of Macrine Wiederkehr "You are a dwelling place for the Source of all life."
Just like our cups we are made to hold something wonderful, rich, comforting. We are designed to hold the very presence of the divine. Rupp writes “I like to think of myself as a mini Ark of the covenant. God goes with me wherever I go. Just as scripture says we abide in God and God abides in us.
As you go through your day today I invite you to consider this in every step you take, every person you encounter, every task you fulfill - be aware of how God is traveling with you each moment of your day.
Breath in I am...
Breath out a container of God’s love
Hold your cup in your hands
Notice the empty space in the cup.
Imagine it is filled with the presence of God
Imagine it is filled with love, grace, and peace
Imagine this divine presence filling the empty spaces within you
Allow the God presence to permeate your entire being
Rest in that comfort
Breath it in.
Scripture: Read - John 15
Abide in me as I abide in you - John 15:4
When I think of God dwelling within me .....
I notice God dwelling in me most when.....
I hope....
I thank you God for the divine presence that dwells within me.