The mission of Squamish United Church is "To be an inclusive community serving God's world." As a church together we seek to love God and neighbour with all our heart, soul and mind. We hope this blog enriches you on your journey of life.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cup Of Blessing - Lenten Practice

This Lenten season we will be doing a series called “The Cup of Blessing.” This series has been inspired by the book “The Cup of Our Life” by Joyce Rupp.

Rupp wrote “The cup has taught me many valuable lessons for my spiritual growh. I have learned that my life holds stale things that need to be discarded and that sometimes my life feels as wounded as a broken cup. I have learned that I have flaws, chips, and stains, just as any well-used cup may have, but that these markings of a well-traveled life need not prevent me from being a valuable gift for others.”

As I looked at my cup I was impressed by this image of a spiritual journey for many reasons. Firstly, I appreciate the commonness of the cup. It is something we use every day without hardly a thought. And our spiritual lives can be like that. What if we took this everyday ‘thing’ and used it to help us examine our everyday spiritual lives. Secondly, I noticed the rim of the cup, it is a complete, never-ending circle a symbol of wholeness, like that of our Creator God. Next, I thought about the things that go into a cup. A cup can be filled with good things, or bad things, we can consider it half-full, or half-empty.

Lent is a season for discovering our wholeness, for repenting and addressing those things that keep us for our being completely connected with The Holy. This is a time when we are given an opportunity to journey with Christ to the cross of Good Friday through to the resurrection of Easter.

Before you begin this Lenten Journey choose a cup that you will use for your daily spiritual practice. (You may want to begin with a blessing prayer for the cup - I will offer this blessing in the next post). If possible set aside a time and place for a daily or weekly time of prayer and reflection. I will attach the pamphlet that leads you through a weekly practice and feel free to come to this blog daily to receive daily practices.

Blessings on your Journey,


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