“Too many of us consent, or are forced, to spend time doing things for which we have no heartfelt reason. If we were asked, “Why are you doing this” we would not know how to answer.”
- Parker Palmer
“When Joseph Campbell described the journey of transformation, he wrote of coming through the dark cave into a new sprintime of life. The important dimension he included is that when people come out of pain into newness of life, they always bring an ‘elixir’ or gift with them. This gift is meant not just for themselves, but for the transformation of the world. So, too, with us. God is always extending compassion toward us, loving us through the many ups and downs of our journey. We, in turn, are meant to offer this compassion to others. Life is a constant cycle of giving and receiving. The divine gift of love that we receive is meant to be shared.” - Joyce Rupp
One must learn to be compassionate to self and to others. We need to learn not to be compassionate out of guilt or want but simply because we understand the needs of others and just as important as our own. Gifts are meant to be offered and received freely. How do we offer the gift of compassion?
Breathe in: I receive....
Breathe out:...I give
Hold your cup in your hands and imagine it overflowing with compassion. Compassion for you, compassion for others.
Thank God for the gift of compassion
Ask God to help you offer this overflowing cup to others in your life.
Scripture: Matthew 25:31-45
For I was hungry and you gave me food.
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.
I was naked and you gave me clothing.
I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
I was sick and you took care of me.
I was in prison and you visited me (Matt 25:35-36)
I usually extend compassion because...
Thank you God for....
Compassionate God help me offer your abundant compassion wherever I see it needed today.